Una iglesia
llena de amor
En nuestra iglesia, somos más que simples congregantes; somos una familia unida por la devoción a nuestro Señor y Salvador. A través de nuestras acciones, palabras y oraciones, tenemos el poder de marcar una diferencia positiva en la vida de quienes nos rodean. En tiempos de alegría, compartimos juntos nuestras risas y logros. En tiempos de dificultad, extendemos nuestras manos y corazones para apoyarnos mutuamente.
Es un honor compartir con todos ustedes cómo nuestra iglesia está maravillosamente comprometida en contribuir a la mejora de la vida de las personas en nuestra comunidad y más allá. A medida que reflexionamos sobre nuestro propósito y misión, es inspirador ver cómo hemos impactado de manera positiva en diversas áreas:
"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."
"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."
"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."
"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."
"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."
"I found in the church a community of people who helped me overcome difficult times and grow in my faith. Through prayer and Bible study, I have learned to trust God more and live my life more fully and meaningful."
lilac roses
"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."
Bruno Davila
"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."
Roy Fernandez
Our services
7:30 PM
10:00 AM
Preguntas frecuentes
"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."
"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."
"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."
"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."
"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."
"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."
"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."
"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."