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Bienvenido a  
Ministerios Ebenezer en Dallas, Texas

Juntos, hacemos la diferencia en nuestra iglesia

Quiénes somos

Una iglesia
llena de amor

En nuestra iglesia, somos más que simples congregantes; somos una familia unida por la devoción a nuestro Señor y Salvador. A través de nuestras acciones, palabras y oraciones, tenemos el poder de marcar una diferencia positiva en la vida de quienes nos rodean. En tiempos de alegría, compartimos juntos nuestras risas y logros. En tiempos de dificultad, extendemos nuestras manos y corazones para apoyarnos mutuamente.


Es un honor compartir con todos ustedes cómo nuestra iglesia está maravillosamente comprometida en contribuir a la mejora de la vida de las personas en nuestra comunidad y más allá. A medida que reflexionamos sobre nuestro propósito y misión, es inspirador ver cómo hemos impactado de manera positiva en diversas áreas:

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"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."

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"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."

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"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."

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"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."

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"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."

"I found in the church a community of people who helped me overcome difficult times and grow in my faith. Through prayer and Bible study, I have learned to trust God more and live my life more fully and meaningful."

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lilac roses

"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."

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Bruno Davila

"The church has been my refuge and my guide in times of uncertainty and pain. Through prayer and the support of other believers, I have learned to trust God and find much-needed peace."

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Roy Fernandez

+1 214 779 6907



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Aquí te estamos esperando con los brazos abiertos, por favor rellena este formulario y nos estaremos comunicando contigo para darte la bienvenida.


¡Gracias por tu mensaje!

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7:30 PM


10:00 AM

Preguntas frecuentes

"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."

"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."

"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."

"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."

"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."

"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."

"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."

"Before I met Jesus, my life was filled with emptiness and despair. But thanks to the church and faith, I have found purpose and a reason to live. I now know that God loves me and cares for me, and that I will always be in her hands."



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A blessing app for the whole family.


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