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Do you ever feel worried?

My peace I leave with you, my peace I give you... (John 14:27).

There are times in our lives when our peace is based simply on our own ignorance. But when we awaken to the realities of life, our inner peace disappears unless it comes from Jesus. When our Lord speaks of peace, He creates peace, for His words are always "spirit and truth" (John 6:63). Have I received what Jesus says, "...My peace I give unto you...", a peace that comes from beholding His face and fully understanding and receiving His peaceable contentment.

Are you seriously troubled right now? Do you have fears and feel confused by the waves and turmoil that God in His sovereignty has allowed to enter your life? Have you turned each and every stone of your faith upside down, and yet you have found no wellspring of peace, joy or consolation? Does your life seem utterly barren to you? Then look up and receive the placid contentment of the Lord Jesus.

The reflection of His peace is proof that you are right with God, for you exhibit your freedom to turn your mind to Him. If you are not right with God, you can never turn your mind anywhere but to yourself. Allowing anything to hide the face of Jesus Christ from you either causes you to be troubled or gives you a false sense of security.

Regarding the problem that is pressing you right now, are you looking to Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) and receiving peace from Him? If so, He will become a blessing of grace and peace that will be displayed in and through you. But if you try to solve the problem by gritting your teeth, you destroy His effectiveness in you, and you deserve whatever happens to you.

We are troubled because we disregard Him. When we seek the counsel of Jesus Christ, confusion stops, because in Him there is no confusion. Put everything before Him, and when you are faced with difficulties, grief and sorrow, hear Him say: Let not your heart be troubled.

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